Saturday, December 13, 2014

That 'Friend' Word

Best Friend. BFF. Best Buddy. Main Expletive. The Bae.

I have had a bad experience with friends lately. Anyone I thought was my best friend actually isn't. I think the word 'Best Friend' is used to much.
When we are children, we call each new playmate our "Best Friend!" And then a year goes by, and you don't play with your friend anymore. They move away. You only see them at church. They tick you off and become your worst enemy. But when it seems that you are friendless, a new friend enters the equasion!

And now we enter our teen years. You can't really have any male friends without everyone thinking you have a crush on him (which is complete crap), and your besties get boyfriends or have band obsessions, which makes you feel quite left out. Or their Moms just don't trust you. Bad influences or whatever. It seems the older you get, it's harder to find friends that are actually real friends!

I want the kind of friend that it's ok to come over to their house whenever you want. Because their family likes you.

I want the kind of friend that is interested in your newest hobby without interrupting every five seconds with some worthless gossip. No, I don't care that she cheated on him. Stop talking. Stop. Talking.

I want the kind of friend that is trustworthy enough to take advice from if you need it.

I want the kind of friend that doesn't do drugs or go around with a new boy every week.

I know what I want, and I am on a friend quest! I am going to find friends. Good friends. Amazing friends! Lovely friends! Hipster college age friends who drink coffee and have 1K instagram accounts! But seriously though.

I know the kind of friends I have now, and I know the kind of friends that I need to have in the future.

What do you want? What do you need? Think about it. Maybe we will both find what we are searching for in a friend.


I am going to bed but hopefully this post makes sense because once I start typing I just let my thoughts flow and sometimes it gets a little weird and nonsensical.

Mucho Love.

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