Friday, January 2, 2015

My 2014 Playlist

Since it is now the lovely new year of 2015, I'm going to share my 2014 'favorites' playlist.

Believe me, it's quite good. Wink.

I listen to pretty much everything and anything..

Here we go...

  • I'm Not the Only One - Sam Smith (His voice is unique and his songs are full of emotion.)


  • For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield (I don't care if it's from the early seventies, this song will always put me in the peace parade mood.)

  • Primadonna - Marina & The Diamonds (C'mon, people. Everybody loves this brunette goddess.)

  • A Little Party Never Killed Nobody - Fergie ft. Q Tip & Goon Rock (Fergie found her calling in a roaring twenties' inspired party song. YES. If you haven't danced to this one then get away from your laptop screen and get your feet moving!)

  • I Want What You Have - Willamette Stone (Adam was honestly a terrible boyfriend in the film, but his hipster band music still has me singing along.)

  • Railroad Track - Willy Moon (I don't understand why this man doesn't have a full CD out yet! The scream mid-track gives me goose bumps. ahhhh....)

  • Waterfalls - TLC (Still learning the chic rap...I love these girls.)

  • Lightening Bolt - Jake Bugg (His accent shows through the music AND I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF HIM.)

  • Walk the Line - Iggy Azalea (Girl strength, man. Girl strength.)

  • Ride - Lana Del Rey (I can never seem to get enough of this song. Makes me want to go hitchhiking where it's warm.)

  • Without Words - Ray LaMontague (Last but not favorite song of the entire year. It get's me happy, emotional, loving, and peaceful all in a mere 3 minutes. Please go listen to it.)


Sorry that was a little long, but out of the four hundred or so artists in my library, these are my most played!

Currently listening to the last one.

My brain has quieted down and I am left with a slowly-building headache.

Maybe some tea will revive my senses. Or comfy shorts.

I am supposed to go out tomorrow and I do not feel like it at all. I'll feel differently in the morning, I'm sure.

Goodnight, you lovely human.


I've been thinking to much tonight. My mind is running wild inside of my skull, giving me the crazy need to go climb up a mountain, go cliff jumping, find Atlantis and start a rebellion.
Add a headache, dirty jeans and a sprinkle of Fall Out Boy and you have a frustrated Vannah.

What if we never really landed on the moon?

What if there's actually millions of other people underneath the Earth's crust?

If our purpose is to leave a mark on the world, and create a change before dying, isn't that a little depressing? Leaving a mark would be amazing, but what if you didn't leave a mark until after you had already died? And you didn't get to see the change you made?  Why do we have to die? I admit I am scared of dying, but it's not the fear of's the fear of what's on the other side. What if everything you were taught about the afterlife isn't real??

I hate this song.


This world is so beautiful I just want to travel it. Spend my life walking through every little paradise. There's such an infinity of undiscovered land.

I want to write music, but I want to write music that will touch people. What message should I spread? Is there even a message that needs spreading?

There's so much love in this world, you would think it would overcome all the black hate. Wars. Death. Tears.


What if somebody could change that? Change the governments need for blood and uneasiness? Why am I thinking these thoughts?

I need friends. Really bad. I have this weird need to be around people. I don't need to talk to them, I just want to feel the presence of other humans. To study them.
 Ok, Vannah...your sounding a bit creepy now. (Not a creeper, I swear)

What's the point of even having this blog? You always put your weird thoughts into it. This isn't a diary. Anyone can read it. Maybe I want people to read it.
Maybe I don't.

But what's the point of putting it all down on paper when I always end up throwing my papers away?

Sam Smith has an amazing voice...dang. I wonder if he's british. That's probably what it is.

They say the "British Invasion" like it only happened in the sixties. C'mon people!! British people are coming over here to spread their music still. Believe me though...I don't mind it. One Direction, 5SOS, Ed Sheeran, Ellie Goulding, Pitbull....haha. Just kidding..Pitbull is Spanish or something.

This must be the most boring blog  post ever typed. So sorry all my invisible followers had to read this! Weird.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Things I've Learned This Year is New Years Eve. It's depressing and exciting all rolled into one! I've learned quite a lot this year.

1. That real, true love is what happens when the lust dies out and the years go by, and two people are still in love. Through sickness and health, till death do they part.

2. That being an adult is expensive. LIKE WHAT THE HECK WHY IS CAR INSURANCE SO EXPENSIVE? You have so many bills. Cellphone bills, clothing bills, food bills, car insurance, ect. Lucky for me I atleast don't have to rent since I am still living with my parents.

3. Not to make promises I can't keep.

4. To take time on my work, so that it will be something great.

Everybody (most everybody) makes New Years resolutions, but not very many people keep them. This year I will strive harder to build up my business and save up money. By my twentieth birthday (two years) I want to go to the UK, France, Austria, India....Egypt. It's a big goal but I am sure I could make it if I put my mind to it!
I will also strive to be a healthier person. Not for the looks of an improved body (no, I'm not fat) but for the benefits of living longer and not getting sick.
And I will, most of all, try to be a much happier person. I will not try, I will be. I've always seemed to have problems seeing the darker side of things. I pray to God that I will have a better attitude about all things in my life.

Yeah...just made a God reference. Hide your children and wallow in horror...just kidding. Lol

Another thing I will be doing in 2015 is trying to figure out my faith. In the past months, I have struggled with who God is exactly and how the universe makes sense and this religion makes sense.
I know I believe in God. I know he created me. I know he created the Earth.
And so far, that seems to be enough.

I need to dig deeper but it get's scary, people. Really scary.

Well, enough serious talk for tonight because I'm mega tired and want to play around on my phone (another resolution I need to consider is using my phone less).

A resolution is just a promise to yourself.

I am going to keep mine.

Are you?

Peace out, dudes and dudettes.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Female Authoress *Gasp!*

It used to be very improper for a young woman to even be interested in writing stories. And now over half of all novels are written by women! Crazy world, eh?


Just kidding.

I am writing a book on Wattpad at the moment, called "In the End". It kind of sucks...ok. It sucks. But I hope to one day be a published authoress. If my book can get into the Watty Awards it would be a dream come true! I have written a ton of stories, and never finished them.


It must be different.

Get it together, Vannah. Your 18 years old. Stick to it.

It's going to be a dystopian sort of book, but also with lots of adventure and maybe just a TINY bit of romance. Sometimes romance in stories really, really annoys me. Can't we just make a book where they stay friends? Please? Do they have to kiss?
Not to mention some Watty writers take it way to far....(feel my glare, you twelve year olds with major spelling and pornography issues.) You guys shouldn't even be on there. Don't you have to be like 13 or something to even have an account on there?
Anyway, if Natasha Preston can do it, then I can do it.
Feel my bursting confidence in myself.

I can do it! Yes I can! If any of you bloggers are interested in writing stories or poems I highly recommend checking out. It may have some stories clearly written by little kids, but it's great if you want your work published.

My legs are killing me from my workout this morning. Heat pads, please.


Monday, December 15, 2014

It's A Crappy Introduction

 So I guess I will do a bit of an introduction since I haven't really written one yet. Well, well...where to begin!

My name is Savannah Anastacia and I was born in October of 1996. I have six siblings (yes, there are seven of us.) I have two absolutely crazy parents, an English Mastiff with an excessive drooling problem, a snobby pony (I swear he casted for a Mean Girls movie role), two male birds who peep their heads off when the lights are on, and a parrot that speaks Spanish. And let's not forget the cats..George is ball-less and Tiger enjoys running the speed of a bullet down hallways at midnight.

I live in a nice sized house outside of town where I spend my days either being a nanny, taking photos with my beloved Nikon, or playing around on Instagram or Pinterest (both of which I spend wayyyyy to much time on.) My room is shared with my mom for an office, but I don't mind because my bed looks hip surrounded with my Wal-Mart posters. Yeah...I've got a thing for posters. And has anyone else noticed the perfection of Chris Evan's nose?! Not even kidding. I swear God molded it from the ivory of a Unicorn horn.

All in all I have a pretty cool family.  My Great-Grandma is pretty freaking awesome. But other than that we are anti-social. But who needs family when you could be catching up on your Netflix series?! (I prefer Call the Midwives and anything made by BBC. If you have any shows to recommend please do so in the comment box below.)

My brother keeps walking in my room and walking back out. Dude...get out.

ANYWAY....what was I saying...


I love watching movies. LOVE IT. I am more into action/adventure probably than anything else. Especially if it has to do with city car chases...they give you an adrenaline rush just watching them. My favorites would have to include...hmm...Divergent, The Bourne Series, Inception, ect. Not big into horror stuff. I like to be scared once in awhile but SO not into the gore. I mean really, people? I don't want to see actual brains spilling out onto the floor. Uh, gross.

I am an avid music listener. Not really a lot of country. I listen to pop, anything from the thirties through the sixties, and I have lately been developing a taste for classic rock. I can't stand heavy metal. The All American Rejects is like the heaviest I go and they aren't really heavy at all.
Also I can rap. Yeah. I am not going to lie I am actually pretty good...give me a song and I will be able to rap it within three days.
Maybe I shouldn't actually be proud of that.


I have traveled a lot for a girl of 18. Chicago, New York City, Canada, Arizona, Mexico, and Belize. I am going to Mexico again in February..maybe even by myself which is super scary. But I'll be fine. *Breathe in, breathe out*

No, I don't have a favorite color or food. I recently dyed my hair purple.
And I am known for being a very quiet person when I am in public. But once you make friends with me I will not be shy at all in your house. Just a warning... ;)

Soooo...yes. That about sums it up, I guess.

My instagram is @vannahapowell in case any of you cool blogging peeps decide to check my photos out. :)

I should probably go to bed since I have a roaring headache. The typing of my fingers against the keyboard is also kind of awkward in a silent house.



Sunday, December 14, 2014

Yee-haw And Hello Texas!

     Well, I am moving to Texas by February. Leaving this dreary state of no sunshine and many days of rain for humidity and severe hot.




I am very, very happy to be moving. But at the same time I am sad to leave...but then again it might just be the fear of starting a new chapter in my life. I'm gonna admit, being 18 is terrifying! You have to do everything yourself and you answer to no man. It's kind of weird not to have to ask my mom permission to do stuff. Like, really weird. 

I have this weird rash on my shoulder that hurts and itches at the same time.

Anyway, next Sunday if our anti-social family sticks to plan, we are going up to visit for awhile. We have a "Teens-over-sixteen-date-night" planned again. Last time was freaking awesome. My mom will be crashing our dinner date.
But that's ok because she is probably the coolest person I know. I mean seriously! What other Moms dance on the living room floor, listen to your kind of music, let you use their car, and purposefully annoy you in the grocery store? Yeah..mine. ;)

I'm hoping to watch something violent this evening. Warm Bodies will suffice. Ever seen it? It's pretty dumb.


You could leave a comment. If you wanted. But you probably don't.

So don't.

But I'll love you if you do. ;)


Saturday, December 13, 2014

That 'Friend' Word

Best Friend. BFF. Best Buddy. Main Expletive. The Bae.

I have had a bad experience with friends lately. Anyone I thought was my best friend actually isn't. I think the word 'Best Friend' is used to much.
When we are children, we call each new playmate our "Best Friend!" And then a year goes by, and you don't play with your friend anymore. They move away. You only see them at church. They tick you off and become your worst enemy. But when it seems that you are friendless, a new friend enters the equasion!

And now we enter our teen years. You can't really have any male friends without everyone thinking you have a crush on him (which is complete crap), and your besties get boyfriends or have band obsessions, which makes you feel quite left out. Or their Moms just don't trust you. Bad influences or whatever. It seems the older you get, it's harder to find friends that are actually real friends!

I want the kind of friend that it's ok to come over to their house whenever you want. Because their family likes you.

I want the kind of friend that is interested in your newest hobby without interrupting every five seconds with some worthless gossip. No, I don't care that she cheated on him. Stop talking. Stop. Talking.

I want the kind of friend that is trustworthy enough to take advice from if you need it.

I want the kind of friend that doesn't do drugs or go around with a new boy every week.

I know what I want, and I am on a friend quest! I am going to find friends. Good friends. Amazing friends! Lovely friends! Hipster college age friends who drink coffee and have 1K instagram accounts! But seriously though.

I know the kind of friends I have now, and I know the kind of friends that I need to have in the future.

What do you want? What do you need? Think about it. Maybe we will both find what we are searching for in a friend.


I am going to bed but hopefully this post makes sense because once I start typing I just let my thoughts flow and sometimes it gets a little weird and nonsensical.

Mucho Love.